A Note From The Balins, The New Year is a time for rejuvenation, renewed spirits, and TRANSFORMATION! Let the turn of this new decade be the opportunity to take control of your health! January is the time to create a customized health and wellness program. We are excited to be offering new therapies and guided programs to help you reach your goals. Let’s not make the typical New Year’s resolutions that most people abandon in the first few months of the year. Let’s set goals that are both achievable and realistic.
Visit the blog for tips for a healthier new you in 2020.
Also, be on the lookout for new classes in 2020!
- How to Read Food Labels - How to Navigate the Grocery Store - Grocery Store Tours - Fundamentals of Exercise Class - Cooking with Cristina
You won’t want to miss out on these new, exciting and informative classes!
Here's to the New Year! January Promotions Begins January 13th
Come together for a Group Cleanse starting January 13th, 2020. Change your habits. Change your life.
Join the Nutrition Team for a professionally guided cleanse. Participants will be invited to a private support group. Enjoy your journey with like-minded friends! Pre-order now + save 20% (order must be placed before January 6th). Patients who have finished the purification program found:
Take Control of Your Health!
2020 TRANSFORMATION, not resolution!
Restorative Deep Pore Skin Therapy with $50 of at-home skin care, a one hour Magnesium Massage with aromatherapy hot compress, a one hour nutrition consultation and professionally guided detox (includes products).
$650 $480 Detox Solutions for Skin and Body Choose from the following detox therapies: Detoxifying Mineral Foot Therapy, Purifying Clay Wrap, Restorative Deep Pore Cleansing Facial, Magnesium Massage Therapy.
Purchase a detox experience in the month of January and receive 20% OFF! Regenerative Wellness & Stem Cell Therapy There’s still time to join us January 9th at 6:30 p.m.!
Where: Tad’s Restaurant.
Stem Cell Therapy has so many benefits:
January Inspiration
January Self-Care Tip: Speak Positive Words to Yourself Outloud It might sound silly to stand in front of the mirror and talk to yourself, but that’s exactly what we’re encouraging you to do. If you don’t already talk to yourself in a positive way, this is the perfect starting point. List three positive things about yourself every morning - yes - every. single. morning.
Truly, once you get in the habit, it is much easier. And positive self-talk does change the way your brain responds. Try it!
Featured Article The holidays have a way of promoting overindulgence, don’t they? The cycle usually begins around Thanksgiving when mom makes her beloved pie. Or let’s be honest, we pick one up from the nearest bakery, and that’s just as delicious (and bonus, less work)! One more drink becomes three more drinks and instead of being intentional with choices, we say “When in Rome!”
We’ve all been there, friend. And if this is you, don’t worry! Your body is actually quite good at healing itself, but we are sharing a few of favorite ways to speed up the process and get your body back on track.
1. Warm water with lemon
3. Tweak your diet
Cleanse, detoxify, and renew your body and mind to begin the new year the way you want to! If you have questions about detoxifying your skin, we can help you with that too.
The Wellness Centre 1432 F.M. 1463 Road
Website: katywellnesscentre.com Wellness Hours |