Job disruptions, homeschooling, more cooking, constant cleaning, gym closures, insomnia, added worry, anxiety, and fear…pretty much sums up what most of us are dealing with these days. Stress can definitely take a toll on your immune system, which is exactly what we don’t want to happen now! Check out these tips to help you manage stress.
Try to maintain your regular routine. Wake up, get dressed, and start your day. (Don’t stay in your pajamas all day!)
Take a minute to focus on your breathing. Close your eyes and take a few deep belly breaths.
If you are working from home or just simply need a break; go for a walk outdoors while maintaining social distancing from fellow walkers. If you don’t want to leave the house, sit outside in your backyard or porch and enjoy the cleaner air.
Stream a workout from home. It could be yoga, Zumba, or a strength training workout. Most gyms are offering free workouts online now.
Take recess outside with your kids! Leave motivational messages with sidewalk chalk for others to read.
Find a good book to read. Or reread something in your home library.
Missing friends and family? Try a virtual call or write a good old-fashioned letter.
At the end of the day, focus on all the things you have accomplished. Don’t focus about what you or your kids did not finish!
Maintain a strong immune system by eating the rainbow daily. Try to eat a variety of colorful fruits and vegetables, healthy unprocessed meats, and drink lots of water!
Don’t worry about things out of your control, and do pray about the rest.
Try taking a clean herbal supplement or one derived from whole foods that can help alleviate stress.
Medi Herb- Nevaton, Valerian Complex, Kava Forte, California Poppy
Standard Process-Min Chex, Drenamin, Symplex F or M, Magnesium Lactate
CBD oil from a reputable source such as Waayb Organics.
At The Wellness Centre, our doors are still open and we are here to help! Stay strong and let’s focus on getting our new, healthier normal back soon! Give us a call today 281-395-2225. We now offer drive thru pick-up on all pre-paid supplements.