Managing COVID-19 Stress
April 16, 2020
Foods to Help with Anxiety and Stress
June 24, 2020

We made it to a brand new month! It has been a tough couple of months with the pandemic, but hopefully with the beginning of a new month brings the motivation to keep working on our health and wellness goals.


Let’s talk a little about our nutrition. We’ve been home for the past two months, and some of us have learned how to cook, cooked hundreds of meals, tried new recipes, ordered meal kits, and continued to support local food businesses. Chances are the anxiety produced from the pandemic has led some of us to stress eat or stray from our healthy habits. Just know, it is ok to be a little off track. Use this new month to refocus and get back on track.

Reset with nutrient dense meals. Fill your plates up with colorful fruits, bright vegetables, and healthy proteins. Stay hydrated with lots of water and limit sugary and alcoholic beverages. Remember, our food is our medicine. Especially during this pandemic, our body needs whole foods in order to continually provide support to our immune system.


Most of our daily fitness routines were suddenly interrupted or came to a sudden halt by the pandemic. With gym and park closures, some of us lost our motivation to keep up with our exercise and others tried finding new ways to keep fit. It’s a brand new month, so it’s a perfect time to reset your fitness goals. Try streaming an online workout, go for daily walks, dance in your living room, or ride your bike. Whatever you choose, just stay active! Keep on practicing safe social distancing and try to aim for a minimum of 20 minutes outside each day. Sunshine and exercise will help keep us healthy, both physically and mentally.

Mental Health

Lastly, how are we feeling? With distance learning, working from home, keeping the children entertained, staying updated with all the news, and all the extra cleaning; how have you coped?

May is mental health awareness month. None of us knew our worlds were going to be turned upside down by this pandemic. Many feelings of anxiety, fear, worry, and loneliness quickly consumed many of us. All of these mixed feelings are pretty normal during this stressful time. Please continue to keep in touch with friends and family via phone, virtual calls, email, texts, or even write a letter. Reach out to your community, and know that no one is alone, and that there is always someone willing to listen, and lend a hand.

At The Wellness Centre, we are here and ready to help. Whether you need help with nutrition, physical pain or an ear to listen, we have the tools to assist in helping you feel your best and to meet your health and wellness goals. Give us a call today!

Stay safe, healthy, and positive!

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